So, let's play ketchup (ah, punny) with my outfits.

(harem pants: American Apparel, shirt: Scoop, jacket: Forever 21, shoes: Steve Madden, ring: Tatty Devine)
Yes, yes, tribal pattern mixing and whatnot.
(shirt: Ralph Lauren Kids, bloomers: Tracy Feith for Target, tights: Target, bow: vintage)
(sequined sweater: thrift, dress: American Apparel, bow: vintage)
What I wore on Thanksgiving in Nueva York.
(dress: J. Crew Crewcuts, top: Collective Concepts, belt: vintage, purse: thrift, tights: Target, socks: Betsey Johnson, oxfords: Steve Madden, scarf around wrist: thrift, glasses: Forever 21)
You can't really see all of the pattern in this shot, but I especially like this outfit because it involved my new favorite socks from Betsey Johnson:
I love you, old lady/rose garden/tea party socks.
And finally, what I wore yesterday:
(top: thrift, skirt: sister's, dip-dye tights: Target, shoes: Michael Kors, headband: Forever 21, necklace: gift)
All this pink delights me.
D-d-d-details of the headband:
Pay no attention to my mullet-esque hair, I'm trying to grow it out so I can have a very, very short kind of Amelie/Lynn Yaeger-like bob.
Anyway, this same day my sister happened to be wearing an all purple outfit, so we were matching pink and purple, which inspired us to make a, err, style challenge for ourselves this week to wear color-coordinated outfits (we're pretty much still two years old and want to wear matchy-matchy clothes.) Today it's black and white day, so be prepared for photos later.
(on my sister-- top: mine, skirt: American Apparel)
Awww, look, we (probably) love each other!
That's plenty of me...
Today while reading Oprah Magazine (let's not judge, kids) I came across this quote by Lynn Yaeger (whose style is AMAZING/LEAVES ME SPEECHLESS AND/OR LEAFING THROUGH THE SARTORIALIST BOOK TO FIND EVERY PICTURE OF HER) that really inspires me:
"People ask how I get the courage to walk the streets in, say, a shredded Comme des Garcons coat over a tutu, with metallic orange hair... Though some of my extreme choices have provoked laughter or incredulity, I also get more compliments than I could have imagined. This may be because I live in New York City, where a certain level of eccentricity is appreciated. But I like to believe that no matter where I lived, people would come to respect--maybe even like! admire!--the steps I've taken to create my own nutty, undeniably unique, and for me, deeply satisfying, look."
It's comforting to know that their are other people that want the same things from their individual style.
That's all for now.