Christmas Eve:
(top: Mom's from Sonia Rykiel, skirt: Thrift, headband: me+Hobby Lobby fake branches)
You can't really tell in this picture, but the skirt is actually plaid. And, no, I didn't go barefoot--I wore some studded heel-boots that I have yet to post pictures of. Oh, and my lovely sis is wearing a handmade hand-me-down from a friend.
(shirt: John Paul Gaultier Jr., tutu: Kaiya Eve, faux-pearl necklace (worn as belt): Marc Jacobs)
Speaking of which, how was your Christmas? Mine was splendiferous. Oh, what's that in my hand? Oh, nothing... JUST THE DIANA CAMERA I HAVE WANTED FOR SO LONG. NO BIG DEAL. Is it wrong that a camera is my new best friend? I SURE HOPE NOT.
And New Year's Eve:
To end 2009, I made an elaborate headpiece inspired by a futuristic beauty shoot in V Magazine. It was time-consuming (do you know how many magazine have black and white pictures? Apparently not that many!) but totally worth it. I attached the image to flimsy cardboard and then to a head band so that I could get the whole coming-down-over-my-ear effect. It kept sliding over my eyes, but I liked it so much I was willing to impair my vision. Small price to pay. And, yes, the Griswolds from "Vacation" are hanging out somewhere above my right eye.
Oh yes, yes. I got a haircut!
These were taken right after I got it cut so it looks nice and shiny and straight (not like I spent about 3 seconds on it and then frantically ran out to the car, like most mornings) but it's all together more like a bob. Very flapper-style. I like it a lot. Also thinking of dying my blonde bangs light pink after seeing a ton of pink hair in this month's Vogue. Opinions?
Well, my absence ended with a fun weekend with my lovely friend who also happens to have a very lovely camera... I wanted to share some of the pictures we took!

And a full shot of that outfit...
(jeans: sister's, t-shirt: DIY-ed Blondie+Marc Jacobs, peter-pan collar button down: uniform store, sweater: Rugby Ralph Lauren, shoes: Liberty Fabrics for Nike, green coat: Christmas gift, white coat: friend's)
I have barely taken off this Rugby Ralph Lauren sweater since I got it on Christmas, especially because I was DESPERATELY in need of something with varsity letters... Okay, maybe not, but this sweater has my initials and a bee patch-- LOVE. Also, this is a rare outfit because I am wearing jeans and a t-shirt, which almost never happens. The other day, my friend who I've known since I moved here about 2 years ago said that she had never seen me wear plain blue jeans... Ha! I am strangely proud. Also, I'm not throwing a snowball, but a shiny, white plastic apple which I plan on making into a headpiece. Very exciting. That's all for now-- and I promise the next post will be about inspirationz and lots of other not-so-much pictures of me stuff.
P.S. In my last post I mentioned black-and-white day with my sister. Here it is:
(on me- shirt: DIY, skirt: thrift tailored by me, leggings: sister's, hat: my Grandfather's hand-me-down. on my sister- shirt: Gap kids, pants: H&M, headband: Forever 21)
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